Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma The Offering of the Son

Kaliyugada Kalpataru Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma The Offering of the Son

Kaliyugada Kalpataru

Fourth Delight

Sri Vyasa Raja Yati Sarvabhouma

Authored by Raja, S. Gururajacharya

10. The Offering of the Son

Several days had passed since the naming ceremony of Yatiraja. One day, Ramacharya and his wife, along with their relatives, prepared to travel back to Bannur. They prostrated before Sri Brahmanya Tirtha and said, "Gurudeva, you graciously conducted the naming ceremony of Yatiraja with great grandeur, and we received immense blessings. Now, please grant us permission to return to Bannur."

Brahmanya Muni replied, "My dear, remember that the greatest service you can do is to fulfill your promise by offering your son Yatiraja to us."

Upon hearing these words, Ramacharya and his wife felt a surge of fear. Ramacharya remained silent for a while, then, holding back his sorrow and tears, he said, "Swamiji, we have not forgotten our promise to offer our son to you. However, we thought of raising him until he is grown up and then dedicating him to you. Moreover, as renunciates and enlightened beings, how can you take care of this young child? Can the care provided by attendants be equivalent to that of parents? Therefore, we humbly request your permission to bring Yatiraja to you when he is older and ready."

Brahmanya Tirtha smiled and said, "Acharya, everything you said is true for ordinary householders. But this child is exceptional, blessed with a divine essence. It is the will of Sri Hari that he should be raised by renunciates like us. For the welfare of the world, we, who have renounced worldly life, must also take on the role of householders. This child must grow up in a sattvic environment, surrounded by the company of renunciates. We must lay the foundation for his future now. My dear, you should offer Yatiraja to us immediately and continue your journey without worry. Sri Hari and Vayu have blessed you with Bhimakka, a virtuous daughter, and Maddapati, a son who will uphold your lineage. Devote yourselves to their care and forget the separation from Yatiraja."

Hearing the guru's words, the relatives present were both curious and reassured about Yatiraja's magnificent future. However, Ramacharya and his wife felt a deep sense of anxiety and distress. Tears of sorrow welled up in their eyes.

Bound by their promise, they could not act otherwise, yet their hearts could not bear to leave their infant, not even a month old. Words failed them as they struggled to express their sorrow. Lakshmi Devi found it especially hard to part with her child. Ultimately, they decided to follow the guru's command, despite their deep sadness.

With tears streaming and hearts heavy, Ramacharya and his wife lifted Yatiraja and placed him in the hands of Sri Brahmanya Tirtha. "Gurudeva! Here we are, handing over our delicate and precious child to you. From today, Yatiraja is your son. It is now your responsibility to protect him. By fulfilling our promise, we feel blessed. Swami, please bless us," they said, prostrating themselves before the guru.

Seeing this heart-wrenching scene, tears flowed from the eyes of everyone present. Even the eyes of Sri Brahmanya Tirtha, a renunciate, filled with tears, but these were tears of joy rather than sorrow.

"Mangalkara! In the past, many great souls like the truth-bound Harishchandra have illuminated the world with their dedication to truth. Among such self-aware and enlightened beings, we have not seen anyone like you!"

Continuing, Brahmanya Tirtha said, "My dear, the offering of your son today is of the highest virtue. This gift is made to the philosophy, dharma, and traditions of the entire nation of India. It is an unparalleled contribution to the lineage of supreme knowledge named after Hamsa Paramatma and to the great institution of Srimadacharya! This will lead to the welfare of the world, promoting philosophy, dharma, and traditions, bringing great prosperity and well-being to humanity. Along with this everlasting fame, the names of Yatiraja, yours, and mine will be immortalized."

Praising Ramacharya, the guru blessed him with fruits and sacred grains, sending them on their way.